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Los Angeles mayoral hopeful Rick Caruso recently picked up a pair of major endorsements from rapper Snoop Dogg and community activist Sweet Alice Harris.  

Caruso was meeting with Harris Tuesday when Snoop dropped in through video chat to show his support for the philanthropist.

“Look at what he stands for. Look at what he’s about … They’re doing beautiful work,” Snoop said of Caruso and Harris.

The 88-year-old Harris is the founder of Parents of Watts, a charitable committee that has helped disadvantaged and underserved people in the community for years.

Video of Snoop’s endorsement was tweeted out on Caruso’s Twitter feed.

“This is what a mayor’s gotta be about. You can’t be about talking about it, you gotta be about it … You gotta really be about the community and she is the community and he’s standing by her side for 40 years,” Snoop said. “It’s no question. I endorse the real and that is Rick.”

Caruso also recently received an endorsement from City Council member Joe Buscaino, who ended his own campaign for mayor last week.

Both men promised they could clean up the streets of Los Angeles by removing homeless encampments and providing more housing and shelters.

Caruso still faces strong opposition from Congresswoman Karen Bass, who also picked up an endorsement of her own from a former candidate.

City Councilman Mike Feuer threw his support behind Bass after announcing he was quitting the mayor’s race Tuesday.

“There are core values, L.A. values and experience that Karen Bass personifies. And then there’s Rick Caruso. Karen, not Caruso, should govern Los Angeles and I am going to do everything I possibly can to assure that Karen Bass is our next mayor,” Feuer said during an event with Bass in Encino Tuesday.

Feuer also blasted Caruso for what he described as a long record of supporting radical right wing politicians and questioned how the luxury property developer could be trusted to build living spaces for the homeless.

The primary election takes place June 7 but some voters are already turning in ballots that were received earlier by mail.