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Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin moved Monday to have the city stop paying Councilman Jose Huizar his salary, saying it would be “unacceptable” for the councilman to continue receiving taxpayer funds while facing a felony charge in a federal corruption case.

Huizar had been earning nearly $214,000 per year. Galperin, in a memo, said Huizar’s last day receiving a city salary was June 23, the day he was charged with racketeering in a sprawling case in which he is accused of receiving $1.5 million in bribes and other improper financial benefits.

“While I believe strongly in the principle that all persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, the shocking information about Mr. Huizar’s misconduct is an unacceptable violation of the public trust,” Galperin said. “As such, he should not and will not continue to receive any salary payments from my office and from the treasury of the people of Los Angeles.”

A Galperin spokesman said that the City Charter allows the city controller to halt stop salary payments when a council member is not “devoting his time to duties related to his office.” The City Council voted to suspend Huizar from his post last week.

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