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Support for the homeless family of a boy with autism who was slapped by a man for touching his car has continued spreading across the community.

The incident happened on July 1 as Alfredo Morales, 10, and his older sister, Claudia Morales, were crossing the street in Pacoima.

That’s when Alfredo reached out and touched the emblem on the man’s Mercedes-Benz sedan.
The man made an immediate U-turn and followed the siblings to a bus stop. He stepped out, walked over to Alfredo who was sitting on a bench and slapped him.

His sister tried intervening and explained that Alfredo had autism, but the man still struck the boy.

Cell phone video of the confrontation went viral on social media, leaving community members outraged. A police report was also filed by the family.

Alfredo’s family is homeless and lives out of a broken truck at a Sun Valley park. The boy’s father, Miguel Morales, recently lost his job at a restaurant and is struggling to make ends meet.

  • A man seen walking up to Alfredo Morales, 10, and slapping him in the face after the boy touched the emblem on his Mercedes-Benz sedan in Pacoima on July 1, 2024. (RMG)
  • The male driver pulled over at a bus stop where the siblings were sitting at a bench in Pacoima on July 1, 2024. (RMG)
  • The male driver pulled over at a bus stop where the siblings were sitting at a bench in Pacoima on July 1, 2024. (RMG)
  • A man seen walking up to Alfredo Morales, 10, and slapping him in the face after the boy touched the emblem on his Mercedes-Benz sedan in Pacoima on July 1, 2024. (RMG)
  • A man seen walking up to Alfredo Morales, 10, and slapping him in the face after the boy touched the emblem on his Mercedes-Benz sedan in Pacoima on July 1, 2024.
  • The crosswalk near Laurel Canyon Boulevard and Osbourne Street in Pacoima where the incident happened. (KTLA)
  • The Morales Family is currently homeless and living out of their truck. (GoFundMe)
  • Alfredo Morales and his sister is seen in the truck they live in with their family at a Pacoima park. (KTLA)
  • A man seen walking up to Alfredo Morales, 10, and slapping him in the face after the boy touched the emblem on his Mercedes-Benz sedan in Pacoima on July 1, 2024. (RMG)
  • A man seen walking up to Alfredo Morales, 10, and slapping him in the face after the boy touched the emblem on his Mercedes-Benz sedan in Pacoima on July 1, 2024. (RMG)
  • A man seen walking up to Alfredo Morales, 10, and slapping him in the face after the boy touched the emblem on his Mercedes-Benz sedan in Pacoima on July 1, 2024. (RMG)
  • A man seen walking up to Alfredo Morales, 10, and slapping him in the face after the boy touched the emblem on his Mercedes-Benz sedan in Pacoima on July 1, 2024. (RMG)
  • Alfredo Morales' parents are overwhelmed by the outpouring of community support. (KTLA)
  • The Morales family, who are homeless, are seen spending an afternoon together outside of the truck they live in at a Pacoima park on July 4, 2024. (KTLA)
  • The Morales family, who are homeless, are seen spending an afternoon together outside of the truck they live in at a Pacoima park on July 4, 2024. (KTLA)
  • The Morales family, who are homeless, are seen spending an afternoon together outside of the truck they live in at a Pacoima park on July 4, 2024. (KTLA)
  • Antonio Villegas, the family’s attorney, speaks to Alfredo Morales' mother. He has pledged to seek justice for the family. (KTLA)
  • Alfredo Morales' parents are overwhelmed by the outpouring of community support. (KTLA)
  • Los Angeles rapper Swifty Blue has vowed to help fix the Morales family's truck so they can be mobile again. (KTLA)
  • Alex Manzo, a good Samaritan, heard about the Morales family and created a GoFundMe to help them get back on their feet. (KTLA)
  • Alfredo Morales and his sister is seen outside the truck they live in with their family at a Pacoima park. (KTLA)
  • Alfredo Morales' parents are overwhelmed by the outpouring of community support. (KTLA)

Following a successful GoFundMe campaign and fundraising event, the Morales family said they were overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of strangers.

On July 12, their broken pickup truck was towed to a local dealership, Airport Marina Ford, for a complete makeover. 

“It’s situations like this when you see it and if there’s something you can do, it’s imperative to step up and do what you can,” said Dan Theroux, General Manager of Airport Marina Ford.

Alfredo and his sister ride the bus daily to make a food and grocery run for the family. They were taking their usual bus route on July 1 when the confrontation happened. Many community members resonated with the story and wanted to support the Morales family in any way they could.

  • Alfredo Morales and his father, Miguel Morales, are grateful for the outpouring of support. (KTLA)
  • The Morales Family is overwhelmed and grateful for the outpouring of community support on July 12, 2024. (KTLA)
  • The Morales family's broken pickup truck was towed away to a local dealership for a complete makeover on July 12, 2024. (KTLA)
  • The Morales family's broken pickup truck was towed away to a local dealership for a complete makeover on July 12, 2024. (KTLA)
  • The Morales family's broken pickup truck was towed away to a local dealership for a complete makeover on July 12, 2024. (KTLA)
  • A man seen walking up to Alfredo Morales, 10, and slapping him in the face after the boy touched the emblem on his Mercedes-Benz sedan in Pacoima on July 1, 2024.
  • A good Samaritan allows Alfredo Morales to enjoy the air conditioning in his truck on a hot summer day on July 12, 2024. (KTLA)
  • The Morales Family is currently homeless and living out of their truck. (GoFundMe)
  • The Morales family, who are homeless, are seen spending an afternoon together outside of the truck they live in at a Pacoima park on July 4, 2024. (KTLA)
  • The Morales family, who are homeless, are seen spending an afternoon together outside of the truck they live in at a Pacoima park on July 4, 2024. (KTLA)
  • The Morales family's broken pickup truck was towed away to a local dealership for a complete makeover on July 12, 2024. (KTLA)

Oscar Garcia from Smack Auto Collision Center will be repainting the broken truck once a mechanical overhaul is done. He said he’s glad he can help turn an upsetting situation into a positive one.

“I’m shocked as to how many people have come out here to show their love and support,” Garcia said. “From the gentleman who came down so that Alfredo could enjoy the AC in his car, to the Ford Dealership assisting us with the truck and transmission. Our goal is that they become a stable family where they have somewhere safe to be at, sleep at night and they’re able to transport places without a problem.”

The Morales family is staying at a motel temporarily until local housing officials can help them transition into more permanent housing.

The family said they plan to give back in some way and show their appreciation to everyone who has helped them so far. 

As for the driver who slapped Alfredo, many upset residents have shown up at the man’s home to demand answers.

KTLA has reached out to the driver involved but has not received a response. No charges have been filed yet by the Los Angeles Police Department.

A GoFundMe to help the Morales family can be found here.