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Months into the strike by writers and actors against Hollywood studios, the financial impact on union members is adding up, and they’re asking the state of California for help.

Many union members need help to pay their rent or mortgage, as detailed in a Hollywood Reporter article, with some of them even facing eviction.

An infamous Deadline report from July quoted one anonymous studio executive who said the evictions were all part of the plan.

“The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses,” they said.

With a housing crisis looming for their members, the writers’ and actors’ unions are working to gather resources for assistance while also pushing a change to California state law that would provide financial help.

Senate Bill 799 would allow workers to collect unemployment pay after two weeks of striking, something similar to what’s already allowed in New York and New Jersey.

While union officials have been in Sacramento urging lawmakers to pass the bill, strikers will gather at Amazon Studios in Culver City on Thursday to rally support locally.

“Writers have had to rely on strike loans from our union, donations, philanthropy, and second and third jobs to pay for their basic needs since May 2,” WGA West President Meredith Stiehm told lawmakers, according to Deadline. “Four months without work is emotionally brutal and financially disastrous. I’m proud to report that our members have held strong and kept their resolve throughout this long hot labor summer, but they are suffering.”