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Californians will be able to attend Major League Baseball games, theme parks, concerts and other outdoor venues with limits starting April 1 under new guidelines.

What can open?

California has a four-tier, color-coded system for reopening that dictates how businesses and schools can operate. Purple is the most restrictive tier and yellow the least.

Outdoor sports and live performances can allow attendees in every tier on April 1. Counties in the purple tier must limit capacity to 100 or fewer people and require advanced reservations. Capacity goes up to 20% in the red tier, 33% in the orange tier and 67% in the yellow tier.

Amusement parks can open when a county hits the red tier, starting April 1, with a 15% capacity. Once a county is in the orange tier, parks can let 25% of max capacity in. That jumps to 35% in the yellow tier.

Who can go?

For any counties still in the purple tier, only people from the region are supposed to attend the events. The state has a travel advisory in place telling people not to travel more than 120 miles from home unless for essential business, though it’s not enforced.

For activities in all other colored tiers, attendance is limited to California residents only. Dee Dee Myers, director of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, said venues that sell tickets online can check an attendee’s residency but she acknowledged there will be some ways around the rules.

Why now?

Dr. Mark Ghaly, California’s top health official, said the state has learned a lot about the safety of outdoor activities compared to indoor activities. With masks and physical distancing, the risk of transmission outdoors is much lower.

Broadly, California announced plans to speed reopening across the board once 2 million vaccine doses are given in the most vulnerable neighborhoods. As vaccinations increase, state officials say they feel more comfortable opening things up with limits.