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A group looking to oust Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Bonin said Wednesday it has submitted more than 39,000 signatures in support of a recall measure — a number proponents believe is enough to qualify for the ballot.

Under the city’s election rules, the Recall Bonin 2021 campaign must submit more than 27,000 valid signatures from registered voters in Bonin’s coastal district, which stretches from Los Angeles International Airport north to Pacific Palisades. The city clerk will determine in the coming weeks whether those petitions, and signatures, are legally valid.

Katrina Schmitt, a recall proponent who lives in Venice, said the large number of signatures shows that voters in Bonin’s district are frustrated by homelessness, crime and a lack of responsiveness from the councilman’s office. To have so many signatures, she said, “sends a strong message about what we want.”

“We want him gone, we want him out. This is the official process to fire someone,” she said.

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