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A workers committee demanding better conditions amid the coronavirus pandemic is urging Whole Foods Market employees to take part in a global “sick-out” Tuesday.

A petition posted to says Tuesday’s sick-out has actually been taking place sooner than planned.

“Whole Foods employees are already getting sick. We must act NOW,” the Whole Worker’s National Organizing Committee wrote in the petition.

The organizers are calling on Amazon — the parent company of Whole Foods — to make several changes, including reinstating health care coverage for part-time and seasonal workers, guaranteeing hazard pay and implementing policies to facilitate social distancing between workers and customers.

A complete list of the demands organizers are calling for can be seen on the petition at

“We are working harder than we have ever worked. We are putting our lives at risk. We deserve to have our needs met. Let’s make sure it happens,” the petition reads.

On Monday, workers at a Staten Island Amazon warehouse staged a walkout after an employee tested positive for COVID-19.

Some Instacart workers also walked off the job Monday demanding greater safeguards and better pay.