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One of the biggest countries in Europe is on the precipice of legalizing cannabis possession.

On Wednesday, Germany’s cabinet endorsed the measure, meaning only the Bundestag, the country’s parliament, approval prevents Germans from being able to legally possess up to 25 grams of cannabis, according to multiple reports.

Marijuana legalization was part of the current ruling coalition’s platform when they took power two years ago, and if legalization is approved, Germany will be “the first major European country to legalize marijuana,” the New York Times reported.

“This is an important law that will represent a long-term change in drug policy,” Germany’s Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach said in a Wednesday news conference.

On Thursday, he fleshed out his view in a tweet that described prohibition as “failed drug policy.”

“So far, consumption, crime and the black market are growing. Often there are toxic admixtures. It just couldn’t go on like this,” he wrote.