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Frantic parents rushed to Salvador Castro Middle School in Westlake on Thursday, desperate for word about the safety of their children after a shooting injured two students.

Anxious relatives wait outside Sal Castro Middle School after a shooting on Feb. 1, 2018. (Credit: KTLA)
Anxious relatives wait outside Sal Castro Middle School after a shooting on Feb. 1, 2018. (Credit: KTLA)

Tyresha McNair was standing at the corner of Beverly Boulevard and Loma Drive with her young niece seeking information about her daughter, who attends the school. McNair was among many parents who rushed to the scene after seeing reports of the shooting on television.

“I saw it on the news and I came here to get my baby,” she said. “I just want my daughter, I want my daughter.”

At the front gate of the school, she said she was directed to the back, which was blocked off.

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