“Finish the Ride” has hundreds of cyclists descending upon Griffith Park on Sunday to raise awareness about street safety in Los Angeles. 

The event, hosted by non-profit roadway safety organization Streets are For Everyone, is part of a weekend of festivities and is being held one day after their “Finish the Run” event. 

According to SAFE Executive Director Damian Kevitt, around 1,300 people participated in Saturday’s walk/run and another group of more than 800 is expected to turn out for the bicycling event on Sunday. 

Kevitt founded SAFE after he himself was struck by a vehicle while cycling through Griffith Park in Feb. 2013, he told KTLA 5’s Olivia de Bortoli. The driver never stopped and was never caught, Kevitt said. 

“I was hit, pinned underneath the car and dragged nearly a quarter of a mile down the street and onto the 5 Freeway at freeway speeds…my right leg was ripped off [and I lost] about 20 pounds of flesh in two minutes,” he said. “But that started this journey on advocacy that became this organization, and this event has been happening ever since.” 

When asked what L.A. drivers can do to watch out for more “vulnerable” road users, Kevitt recommended motorists adhere to “all the logical stuff” like not driving distracted or under the influence but he also implored drivers realize that serious injury or death could occur regardless of who is at fault. 

“Pedestrians and cyclists are vulnerable road users,” Kevitt said. “Anytime — whether it’s their fault or your fault — when they get hit, they are going to lose.” 

Among the options for bicyclists on Sunday include a 12-mile, 20-mile, 35-mile, 50-mile and 62-mile rides. All events begin at the Autry Museum, located at 4700 Western Heritage Way in Los Angeles. 

More information on SAFE can be found here