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Surveillance video captured the brief, but dramatic exchange between a Norco liquor store owner and an armed robber who thought he had found an easy target.

The incident occurred Sunday at the Norco Market in the 800 block of 6th Street.

Video shows the gunman walk into the store and point an assault-style rifle at the owner and order him to put his “hands in the air.”

Instead, the owner quickly stepped behind a display case and fired his shotgun at the gunman, who ran out of the store screaming, “He shot my arm off!”

Three other men were later arrested at a hospital, while the wounded suspect was expected to be taken into custody after being released from the hospital.

“Great job old man. People should know that Norco is made up of real-life cowboys,” said KTLA viewer Jacob Borrego on Facebook.

“Don’t mess with Norco,” wrote Nanette Hanson-Vanesch.

“The robbers got what they deserve! God bless the store owner,” Abraham Rodriguez commented.

“Just love it when the bad guys get the Tables Turned on THEM,” Mark Ferency wrote.

“Might not be so quick to try to rob someone in the near future. He’s lucky he has a future,” Frances Contreras said.

“Maybe more criminals will think twice about robbing someone after seeing this video,” Kristi Cocke wrote.

The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department also praised the store’s owner for his quick action.

“In this case, a lawfully armed member of our community prevented a violent crime and ensured their own safety, while being confronted with multiple armed suspects,” the Sheriff’s Department said in a statement.