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On a beautiful, sunny day in Southern California, an invisible but very official line marked a difference between those who ventured to the beaches along Pacific Coast Highway amid the coronavirus outbreak and those who mostly stayed home.

On the Los Angeles County side of the line, at Malibu’s Point Dume State Beach, Westward and Zuma beaches, few people on Wednesday jogged or walked along the paved paths. Despite the relative desolation, many wore masks. Just a few miles north, in Ventura County, larger numbers of people gathered at Point Mugu State Park, where they boogie-boarded, swam and surfed. Few covered their faces.

After weeks of gloomy and rainy weather, the temptation to hit Southern California beaches, despite strict guidelines meant to spread of the virus, must have been strong on such such a gloriously pristine day.

Most people did not take a bite of the apple. But some took a nibble.

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