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Crescenta Valley Town Councilmember Chris Kilpatrick has resigned his position in the wake of a video showing him urinating on the door of a downtown Los Angeles LGBTQ bar.

Kilpatrick resigned Thursday, hours ahead of a special meeting planned to discuss his conduct, the city said in a post to Facebook.

The bar, Precinct, shared video of the incident on social media earlier this week and alleged that Kilpatrick and another man, later identified as his boyfriend, left the bar with drinks in their hands.

During a confrontation with employees, Kilpatrick physically assaulted the bar’s General Manager Jeremy Lucido, Lucido told KTLA.

“Originally we were just calling out bad behavior,” Lucido said. “…I had no idea that he was a councilman or any elected official … I was just trying to call out, ‘This is what not to do when you come to a bar.'”

John Duran, Kilpatrick’s attorney, claimed Kilpatrick reacted “instinctively … in self defense” after he was grabbed by security personnel, who were not in uniform. Duran added that it was “reasonable” for Kilpatrick “to believe that they were about to possibly be gay bashed.”

In a statement, the Crescenta Valley Town Council said they “expect our council members to uphold a high standard of behavior and we strongly disapprove of any conduct that is unbecoming and inappropriate for an elected public official.”

“While we do not condone any of the behavior we observed on social media, we appreciate his 3 years of commitment and dedication to the community while serving on the council,” the town council said in a statement.