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Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Bonin committed Tuesday to removing homeless camps from the Venice boardwalk by early August.

In a statement posted online, Bonin said housing and services will be offered starting Monday to relocate up to 200 people humanely, without threats of arrest or incarceration.

“The current situation is intolerable, and we must end it,” the statement said. “Nobody deserves to live, or die, on the street; and all Angelenos should be able to enjoy our neighborhoods, beaches, and parks. We can do better, and this program creates a model for bringing people together to house those in need and reopen our public spaces, using a humane and proven approach.”

Bonin did not specify where the housing would be but said his office had identified options including Project Homekey — hotels purchased by the city or county for homeless housing — as well as shared housing and permanent housing vouchers. Acknowledging that it can take time to secure leases with subsidies, he said provision has been made for stays of up to six months in motels, “the most commonly requested interim housing option.”

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