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A University of Oregon fraternity was suspended after its members allegedly trashed a campsite at Shasta Lake in Northern California over the weekend, leaving behind piles of litter, feces and beer bottles and abandoning scores of tents.

Members of Oregon’s Lambda Chi Alpha chapter are now under investigation for the weekend fiasco in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, according to Robin Holmes, the university’s vice president for student life. The chapter’s national organization also suspended all of its activities until the mess is addressed.

“The manner in which the Shasta-Trinity Forest area was left is disgraceful,” Holmes said in a statement. “Trips to this area have become an annual event for fraternities and sororities all along the West Coast. It is one the University of Oregon does not sponsor or condone in any way.”

Some 1,000 students had descended on Slaughterhouse Island during the May 21 weekend and covered nearly all of the half-mile-radius campground, according to U.S. Forest Service spokeswoman Phyllis Swanson. Additionally, some 60 houseboats were docked at the location, she said.

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