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When developer Rick Caruso conceded to Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass in last year’s election, he promised that “there will be more to come from the movement we built.”

Now, Caruso is seeking to rally his supporters after one of his company’s properties was recently targeted by smash-and-grab robbery crews, which have plagued the city in recent months.

On Tuesday, the Americana at Brand in Glendale saw a crew of about 30 people steal approximately $300,000 in merchandise from a Yves Saint Laurent store, then flee in waiting vehicles.

In a statement released on social media Friday morning, Caruso said it’s not just large shopping centers that are affected, but also “small business owners who feel defeated by the lack of accountability for criminals.”

“The time has come to demand that our elected officials change the laws to hold criminals accountable and start enforcing the laws in a fair and equitable manner,” Caruso said.

Though Caruso did not specifically identify any public officials, he was likely targeting L.A. County District Attorney George Gascón, who has been accused of being soft on crime and who was the target of a recall effort supported and partially funded by Caruso.

Caruso said families and the business community in Los Angeles must “come together to find a new approach so merchants and shoppers alike for fully protected, criminals are held accountable, and our economy thrives.”

“Common sense and clear thinking must prevail for us to have a safe, productive and livable community,” he added.

In a statement, Gascón’s office said they are cooperating with local law enforcement to track down the thieves.

“The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office has reached out to the Glendale Police Department to offer the support of our Organized Crime Division and Bureau of Investigation,” the statement said. “We will work collaboratively with our law enforcement partners to hold the individuals involved with these events accountable.”