AT&T wants to be done with landline telephone services in California.

The phone company is petitioning the California Public Utilities Commission to withdraw its designation as a Carrier of Last Resort. This means it would no longer have to provide landline telephone service to customers in various parts of the state.

You can check a map of affected communities here, which includes large metropolitan areas and many rural communities.

Source: AT&T

AT&T says that maintaining traditional copper cable wiring is expensive and they would rather spend their money on expanding broadband and cell phone service.

Critics say the move would have a significant impact on communities, especially those that don’t have good cell phone service. Others like the comfort of a landline for its stability in emergencies.

“I do not want to lose my landline. In emergency situations, our landline is our life line. This is the ONLY telephone service that will continue to work in emergencies,” a viewer named Shirley emailed me.

The CPUC is inviting the public to comment on the matter online or through a series of public forums being held throughout the state through March.