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California is making it easier for people to get the COVID-19 vaccine by volunteering at COVID-19 vaccine clinics.

The state launched a volunteer page on its My Turn vaccination scheduling system last week to streamline the process for medical providers and the general public to volunteer. Counties across the state have already made the volunteering option available, but the move by the state is expected to make the process more accessible to people who would otherwise not be eligible for the vaccine.

“A volunteer that completes a shift of four hours or more is eligible to receive a vaccination as along as a clinic administrator provides that approval,” Dave Smith of California Volunteers said last week during a vaccine advisory committee meeting.

Those who are interested in volunteering can do so by going to Medical volunteers will be required to verify their medical license in order to register as a vaccinator, vaccine prep supporter or patient observer. Non medical-volunteers can sign up to assist with registration, administration support or as a site greeter.

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