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Educators and families are bracing for another round of pandemic policy shifts as California officials weigh when to lift mask mandates for schools — with some eagerly calling for students and staff to unmask and others urging caution.

general easing of rules is set for Feb. 15 — when California is poised to lift mask mandates for vaccinated residents in indoor public places. The rules would not immediately affect Los Angeles County until officials modify their health order. Local health orders on COVID-19 safety measures are allowed to be more strict than state guidelines.

But state officials did not announce what will happen in schools — a growing tension point among some parents — and local school officials were left speculating about what new rules will be handed down in what has been a long saga of shifting school pandemic policies.

Currently, the state requires all K-12 students and staff to wear masks indoors. But the school mandates across the country are beginning to loosen. Just this week, officials in Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey and Oregon also announced timelines for relaxing mask requirements for schools. Los Angeles County requires everyone on campus to wear masks both indoors and outdoors.

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