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With President-elect Donald Trump vowing to deport thousands of people in the country illegally, Rep. Judy Chu on Tuesday urged the Obama administration to protect the names of “Dreamers,” people brought to the country illegally as children who applied for temporary status in the United States.

Trump is expected to unwind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program created by President Obama that gave temporary legal status to Dreamers.

Of the 742,000 people across the country protected under DACA, about one in three are estimated to live in California and state officials are already gearing up for a fight over immigration with the Trump administration.

“These children and families provided extensive amounts of sensitive information to their government, including fingerprints and relatives’ home addresses, with the understanding that it would not be used against them. We promised them security,” Chu said in a statement. “Now they are facing a nightmare. When we asked immigrants to come out of the shadows, we never imagined the election of a candidate who ran on a policy of mass deportation.”

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