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The vaccine mandate in Los Angeles begins at midnight Monday, and some local businesses are working to adjust.

Claire Risoli, owner of Pocha LA, said her restaurant has to be careful to abide by the rules, but can’t “ruffle feathers” either.

“We just have to play by the rules if we want to play in the game,” Risoli said.

That said, Risoli does not want to have to “police” her customers either.

“It’s definitely a concern. I don’t want to be in the position of having to turn anyone away,” she added.

Some customers, however, are not concerned about the requirement.

“I’m fine with it. We have three kids. Whenever they wanted to play sports, guess what, they had to have their vaccination stuff. Going to the school, they had to show all that. I’m fine with them requesting that we show that we have vaccinations,” said diner Roland Macias.

For more information about how to provide proof of vaccination, check out KTLA’s guide.