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The Newport Beach Police Department has reported another recent burglary that was made possible by a thief using a hillside to access a home’s backyard.

According to an NBPD press release, a burglar broke into a home in the Newport Ridge North Community sometime between 3 a.m. Feb. 17 and 11:40 p.m. March 9.

That thief used a hillside behind the house to get into the backyard, then climbed a tree to get to a second-story balcony and smashed a glass door, police said.

“Once inside, the suspect ransacked the master bathroom and closet. The suspect also attempted to forcibly remove a safe without success, then fled the scene,” the release said.

The burglar ultimately got away with watches, a wallet, cash, gift cards and personal documents, police added.

The incident is similar to a similar burglary in Newport Beach late last month.

Police offered several tips for keeping your home and neighborhood safe:

  • Always lock your windows and doors when you go out, even if for only a few minutes. Second-story windows and doors should be secured as if they were on the first story.
  • Use timers on indoor lamps to give the appearance that you are home. If you’re going out for the evening, leave a television or a radio on in the home. 
  • If your home is equipped with an alarm, always activate it, even if you’re only going out for a short walk.
  • Always keep your front and rear porch lights on from dusk to dawn and use motion detector lighting along the sides of your home or areas with little foot traffic.
  • If you return home and find your door locked and you are certain that you left it unlocked, don’t go inside; instead call 911 immediately. Burglars often lock this door to slow down a victim, allowing the burglar extra time to get out of the home before the resident enters.
  • When you leave on vacation, remember to call the Police Department for a Vacation Check at 949-644-3681. Also, ask a trusted friend or neighbor to pick up your newspaper and mail while you are away.
  • If you see suspicious activity within your neighborhood (especially at a home where you know your neighbors are on vacation, have gone out for the evening, or their home is for sale), please call the Newport Beach Police Department immediately at 949-644-3717.