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Twenty-three additional women have been added to attorney Gloria Allred’s lawsuit against USC and campus gynecologist George Tyndall, who is accused of improper treatment of many female students over several decades.

The women’s rights attorney filed a lawsuit on behalf of graduate student Daniella Mohazab three weeks ago. On Tuesday, Allred announced that she is now suing on behalf of 24 women.

Allred said the amended lawsuit includes graphic descriptions of allegations from all the plaintiffs, whose stories date back to the 1990s. The oldest victim in the case is 54.

While many of the women chose to retain their privacy and are listed as Jane Doe in the lawsuit, others revealed their identities.

Mohazab was joined during Tuesday’s conference by Anika Narayanan, a rising senior at the university who said that it was Mohazab’s previous testimony that helped her decide to come forward. Last month, Mohazab described Tyndall asking her intimate, sexual questions by Tyndall. He discussed her ethnicity and said that Filipina women are “good in bed,” Mohazab alleged.

Narayanan said Tuesday she recalls a similar conversation with Tyndall about her heritage during her birth control consultation appointment in 2016. It was the first time she had ever seen a gynecologist.

She alleged that during the routine procedure, Tyndall kept one hand below her buttocks while using his dominate hand to perform the examination.

According to the amended lawsuit, an anonymous victim claimed that Tyndall commented on the perkiness of her breasts.

Another victim alleged that Tyndall took pictures of her vagina and digitally penetrated both her vagina and anus, saying that he had to “check inside,” Allred said.

A third victim also remembers being photographed, despite initially saying no to his request. Tyndall told the patient that she reminded him of a girl he used to date and said he wanted to photograph her to show his friend, Allred said, adding that the victim eventually felt forced to agree.

The lawsuit alleges sexual battery, gender violence, sexual harassment, negligent hiring and retention and intentional infliction of emotional distress, among other complaints.

Allred expects to file future lawsuits against the university and Tyndall in separate cases.