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The number of reported hate crimes in Los Angeles County has skyrocketed to the highest total seen in 19 years, according to a new report released on Wednesday.

The report, produced by Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations, revealed that the number of reported hate crimes grew 23%, from 641 to 786 in 2021, the study period on which the report focused.

Researchers used crime data submitted by over 100 law enforcement agencies, educational institutions and community-based organizations in Los Angeles County in the analysis, a news release said.

The report also showed that Black people were the most frequent target of hate crime attacks; anti-Asian and anti-immigrant hate crimes were at their highest totals ever, and hate crimes against Jewish, LGBTQIA+ and Muslim communities were increasing.

While Black residents only make up 9% of the county’s population, the report showed that they comprise 46% of hate crime victims. Transgender people experience the highest rate of violent crimes at 93%, and racial crimes against the Black, Hispanic, Asian and Middle Eastern communities all increased.

“This report provides a yearly snapshot of what criminal bigotry looks like in our backyard,” Commission President Ilan Davidson said. “The fact that last year hate crimes targeting nearly all racial and ethnic groups, sexual minorities and religions grew tells us that we must all come together with our countywide campaign LA vs. Hate, united against hate.” 

The campaign, which launched in June 2020, was the organization’s response to the rising amount of hate crimes within the county.

The initiative aims to unite county residents against hate crimes, improve the first government hotline (211) for people to report hate crimes, and build a network of community agencies that promotes support and healing of targeted individuals.

Since launching, the campaign’s website has been viewed more than a billion times, according to a news release.

A county hate crime report is produced annually by LACCHR.