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An inmate was resuscitated from an apparent overdose at the Santa Barbara County Jail on Thursday night.

The unconscious male inmate was discovered inside a shared cell around 7 p.m., according to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.

Suspecting a possible overdose, jail staff members administered four doses of Narcan, a nasal spray opioid overdose treatment, while performing CPR on the inmate.

Minutes later, the man regained consciousness and was breathing on his own again, officials said. He was transported to a local hospital and is expected to fully recover.

As fentanyl and opioid-related deaths continuing rising dangerously in the U.S., officials are stressing the importance of recognizing the symptoms of overdoses.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), signs of overdosing include:

  • Difficulty waking up
  • Small or constricted pupils
  • Slow or shallow breathing
  • Sounds of choking or gurgling
  • A limp body
  • Blue or unusually pale skin, lips and fingernails

If these signs are observed, officials recommend contacting authorities immediately and administering naloxone.