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Parents should use common sense — and a healthy dose of soap and water — to prevent serious illnesses from the respiratory virus recently detected in California, experts said this week.

Health officials recommend frequent hand-washing with soap and water to prevent transmission of viruses like enterovirus D68, which has seriously sickened children in California and other states. (Credit: CDC/Kimberly Smith, Christine Ford)
Health officials recommend frequent hand-washing with soap and water to prevent transmission of viruses like enterovirus D68, which has seriously sickened children in California and other states. (Credit: CDC/Kimberly Smith, Christine Ford)

Enterovirus D68 infection has now been confirmed in four children in the state and is expected to appear in more, said state epidemiologist Dr. Gil Chavez.

To slow transmission of this enterovirus and others, the California Department of Public Health recommends, Californians should:

  • Wash hands frequently — for at least 20 seconds, with soap and water.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands or sharing utensils or cups or kissing and hugging people who are sick.
  • Keep children home from school if they have active symptoms of an infection.

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