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Summoned to the witness stand Friday morning in a lawsuit brought by a San Francisco Giants fan brutally beaten at Dodger Stadium, former team owner Frank H. McCourt testified that fan safety was “the top priority” in his organization.

“Like all Dodger fans, I was appalled at the criminal behavior of Sanchez and Norwood. Make no mistake, they are the parties responsible for this tragic incident,” Frank McCourt said outside Los Angeles Superior Court on June 13, 2014. (Credit: KTLA)

But, he told jurors hearing evidence in a civil suit brought by the injured man and his family, he had little personal involvement in security operations at Chavez Ravine.

“I trusted the people I empowered to do the job,” McCourt said in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

During more than an hour of testimony, McCourt adamantly denied suggestions in the suit that he had fueled a lavish lifestyle by slashing security costs.

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