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San Francisco Mayor London Breed is clapping back against what she labeled the “fun police” after being caught on video defying the city’s mask mandate.

On Wednesday, Breed was spotted partying at Black Cat jazz bar and nightclub. The maskless mayor was photographed seated at a table with friends, who also were not wearing face coverings, amid a bevy of half-drunk beverages, according to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle. She also was seen on video dancing and singing along to a live performance by R&B group Tony! Toni! Toné!

The city’s health order says attendees of live indoor performances must remain masked except when actively eating or drinking, and urges people to be seated at a table or a counter when doing so. The Chronicle reported that Breed “had a table of drinks in front of her and was often holding one” while she “spent the night dancing, singing along and posing for photographs without a face covering.”

Two days after the outing, Breed was defending herself.

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