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HOLLYWOOD – A victory rally turned hostile Tuesday night as Rep. Adam Schiff was interrupted by pro-Palestinian protestors while he celebrated victory in the primary for a U.S. Senate seat in California.

While the Democrat attempted to introduce his family, protestors chanting “ceasefire now” audibly took over the room. Schiff struggled to get back on track as the chants grew louder, and at least one person was escorted away from the stage.

  • Schiff Protesters
  • Schiff Gaza protest 2
  • Schiff Gaza protest 1

Schiff attempted to rebound from the disruption.

“We are so lucky to live in a democracy where we all have the right to protest,” he said. “We want to make sure we keep this kind of democracy.”

According to Politico, Schiff told reporters Tuesday that he backed the Biden administration’s call for a ceasefire in Gaza on the condition of the release of Israeli hostages.

“My position is the same as the administration,” Schiff said, “which is there needs to be a deal to release the hostages and have a pause in the fighting.”

Israel’s war against Hamas following the October 7 massacre of Israeli civilians has resulted in the deaths of more than 30,000 Palestinians, including more than 10,000 children according to the Hamas-run Palestinian Health Ministry.

Pro-Palestinian protestors marched in Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday demanding a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.