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Ominous music plays as a copy machine spits out side-by-side photos of President Trump and former Republican Rep. David Valadao, who is running for the congressional seat he lost two years ago.

In the advertisement from his challenger, Democratic Rep. T.J. Cox, a deep-voiced narrator calls Valadao “a yes-man who voted with Trump 99%” — a barb in a state that is the heart of the liberal resistance.

Ads supporting Valadao, meanwhile, portray Cox as a shady millionaire, flashing images of a yacht and champagne flutes and hammering him for a $145,000 lien for unpaid taxes that the Internal Revenue Service filed against him earlier this year. Cox, one ad claims, is “the single most corrupt member of Congress.”

This is the prime-time beat down that runs in endless loops at the home of Janie Isidoro and her family in the Central Valley every time they turn on the TV or radio or venture onto Facebook.

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