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Despite the late-season snow that blanketed Northern California last month, almost all of the state remains under significant drought conditions.

California’s snowpack, which helps fill up much of the state’s reservoirs, is below average and far from where it needs to be.

The dwindling snowpack was captured in a video taken Friday from the International Space Station.

“Just how much snow is in Northern California and The Sierra Mountains? Not all that much,” according to a tweet last week from ISS Above. The Twitter account, which monitors and shares unique images from the ISS, shared video of the mountains and the noticeable lack of snowpack.

U.S. Drought Monitor data released April 26 showed that more than 95% of California was classified under severe or extreme drought. That’s an increase from about 66% recorded in February.

The April 1 snow survey showed the statewide snowpack was just 38% of average for the time of year, according to the Department of Water Resources.

Dry conditions were impacting every region of the state, with the snowpack plummeting since the beginning of the year. 

The snowpack was one of the 10 worst on record as snow melted under clear March skies, warmer-than-average temperatures and no storms.

California had gotten a record dry start to the year, with January and February being the driest ever recorded in most of California.

An April storm then brought double the amount of precipitation seen in January, February and March combined, according to the National Weather Service.

The April storm did help, but the majority of the area is still below average, Weather Service officials said.