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As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to improve, many experts are warning that technological advancements could put hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work.

However, a new report reveals which jobs are the most at risk of being replaced by AI, and the outlook doesn’t look good for California workers.

A report from Net Voucher Codes showed that 321,900 California jobs are at “high risk” of being replaced by AI. Another 1.2 million jobs are at “medium risk,” according to the report.

More than two million jobs in the Golden State are deemed “high risk” for being replaced with automation, while nearly four million are categorized as “medium risk.”

The report found cashiers, customer service representatives and bookkeepers were the most at risk for AI replacement.

These are the top 10 careers at high risk of being replaced by AI:

  1. Cashier
  2. Customer Service Representatives
  3. Bookkeeper
  4. IT Support Technician
  5. Billing Clerk
  6. HR Assistant
  7. Paralegal Assistant
  8. Compliance Officer
  9. Claims Assessor
  10. Executive Assistant

Data from was used in the report. Researchers analyzed 199 jobs from each state based on the “Top 200 Popular Jobs” category on the website.

Researchers then asked ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, for each job’s relative risk from AI, automation, and the likelihood of AI increasing each job’s productivity.

Workers in other states, like Texas, New York and Florida, were also at ‘high risk’ of being replaced by AI.

The report estimates that 19.5 million jobs across the United States are at ‘high risk’ of being displaced by AI. About 15.7 million job sectors will likely use AI to increase job productivity.