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Polls opened across California at 7 a.m. Tuesday for the California recall election targeting Gov. Gavin Newsom, and they will remain open until 8 p.m.

Voters can also turn in their mail-in ballots at any polling place or ballot drop box, but it must be handed over by 8 p.m. If you’re returning a ballot by mail, it must be postmarked by Tuesday for the vote to be tallied.

Ballot drop-off box locations can be found by going here.

All residents of California can find their polling place or vote center online here, or by calling 800-345-8683, or by texting Vote to 468683.

Los Angeles County also offers an online service that filters vote centers by location and wait time.

Early voting began Sept. 4 at select locations throughout the state, with all counties having one or more locations open at least four days prior to election day.

Finally, for those who aren’t registered to vote and missed the Aug. 30 deadline, California law permits same-day voter registration at polling places/vote centers on Election Day or during early voting.

After competing the conditional registration, the resident will cast what’s known as a provisional ballot, which is subject to registration verification before it’s counted.

Whichever way people vote, California allows them to track their ballot at

If you have a question on voting, you can contact the state’s voter hotline at 800-345-8683.

Voters can also find more information about the recall election on the California Secretary of State’s website.