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Gayle Anderson was live in North Hollywood with a preview of the GEORGE BARRIS GARAGE SALE happening Friday, August 17th through Sunday, August 19th, 2018. Admission to the sale is free.

The event is happening at the historic Barris Kustom Shop, 10811 Riverside Drive, North Hollywood, CA 91602. It is HERE where the regulars stopped by including Elvis, Clint Eastwood, Adam West, The Beach Boys, Sonny & Cher, and John Lennon and Yoko Ono and other celebrities consulted with Barris to have him produce their custom vehicles.

For the first time the Barris family has culled more than 60 years of George Barris’ archives to make public unique collectible items, scripts, posters, books, magazine, memorabilia, and more.

For MORE information and updates on the Barris Kustom Garage Sale, please go to

Dan Jordan
Again, L.A. Estate Sale Services
213 840 1043


If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call Gayle at 1 323 460 5732 or email Gayle at