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It’s Saturday! What are you up to? Hmmm?!? Well, here are some Saturday “Gayle on the Go!” suggestions.

Take a look! Check the Covid safety guidelines. Enjoy! 




Cold War: Soviets, Spies, and Secrets

Nixon Presidential Library and Museum

18001 Yorba Linda Boulevard

Yorba Linda

714 933 5075 

The Yorba Linda interactive COLD WAR: SOVIETS, SPIES, AND SECRETS exhibit features eye popping artifacts of what life was like during a time of nuclear weapons, there is an actual nuclear bomb in the exhibition, air raid drills, bomb shelters, and high-tech spy equipment.

Exhibit and tour information are on the website.


Secrets of WWII

Reagan Presidential Library and Museum 

40 Presidential Library 

Simi Valley

SECRETS OF WORLD WAR TWO are revealed at this NEW exhibition at the Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley. Hundreds of World War Two era artifacts are on display, including real aircraft, tanks, weapons, unbelievably clever items designed to help U.S. prisoners of war and successful plans used to confuse the Nazis!

Details are on the website.


War Surplus on Wheels: WW Two Influence on Hot Rodding


Lyon Air Museum

19300 Ike Jones Road

Santa Ana

714 210 4585

Learn the fascinating history of these race cars known as “Belly Tank Lakesters” at the Lyon Air Museum exhibition WAR SURPLUS ON WHEELS : WORLD WAR TWO’S INFLUENCE ON HOT RODDING.

These race cars were built using WWII surplus fighter aircraft “external fuel drop tanks,” also called “belly tanks”, frequently the same tanks used on the P-38 Lightning World War Two aircraft. They were large enough to hold a driver and engine. These war surplus tanks provided an inexpensive opportunity for racers to acquire a workable and exceptionally streamlined “race car body,” rather than going through the effort and expense of fabricating one! 

Exhibition details are on the website.  


Friends of the Mission Viejo Library Summer Book Sale

100 Civic Center

Mission Viejo

The story of World War Two might be found among the thousands of adult and children’s books at the Friends of the Library Summer Book Sale at the Mission Viejo Library.

DVDs and CDs are on sale as well. Prices range from fifty-cents to two-dollars! Cash and credit cards are accepted.

The website says the Saturday sale begins at 10a.m. and ends at 4p.m. Proceeds from the sale support the Mission Viejo Library.


Getty 25 Celebrates Reseda

11am to 6pm

Reseda Park

18411 Victory Boulevard


310 440 7300

The Getty Center, the Getty Trust, and its diverse group of community partners, celebrate the center’s 25th anniversary with a series of 10 free outdoor neighborhood festivals. This weekend the celebration is happening in Reseda at Reseda Park with the 11:11 Projects.

Art workshops, vendors, live music, live performances, and more participate in this free outdoor community art festival.

The complete schedule of Getty 25 Celebrates community events is the website.


Reptile Super Show

Anaheim Convention Center

1950 West Street


Some of the world’s most interesting creatures are found this weekend at the Reptile Super Show in Anaheim.  There are snakes, lizards, tortoises, and more, plus professional breeders are available to answer your critter questions!

Ticket information and show hours are on the website.   


So, let’s make this a “ learn the benefits of herpetology” Saturday. Gayle Anderson, KTLA 5 News. Have a great show cutie pie!
