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The holiday season calls for whipping up those unique recipes you’d never think to make any other time of year.

“It’s worth it in the end because you can get the family and kids involved in helping you make it,” Jessica Holmes explained.

From this, Jessica crafted a treat that’s both tasty and fun to make.

This segment of California Cooking with Jessica Holmes aired on Episode 162.


1 box of brownies

Andes chocolate mints chopped up

Sliced almonds

Dark chocolate chips

Coconut oil

Powdered sugar


  • Add Andes mints to your brownie mixture and bake brownies according to the package. You can even undercook them a little.
  • While brownies are warm, take a spoonful at a time and form your brownies into a pine cone shape.
  • Add sliced almonds all around your pine cone.
  • Add pine cones to a parchment-lined cookie sheet with an oven wire rack.
  • Add dark chocolate chips to a bowl and microwave to melt the chocolate.
  • Add coconut oil to melted chocolate to thin out the chocolate.
  • Using a spoon, drizzle chocolate onto your pine cones.
  • Place in fridge or let sit at room temperature until chocolate hardens.
  • Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  • Merry Christmas!