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Nearly half of households in Los Angeles County have lost a job or had their work hours cut, and another 10% have lost other sources of income because of the coronavirus pandemic, but those hardships have not diminished support for the severe social distancing measures imposed by government, a new poll has found.

Ninety-five percent of respondents said they supported L.A. elected officials’ decision to implement a stay-at-home order for all but essential personnel. And 86% said they wanted local authorities to take over hotels and motels if it became necessary to quarantine people most at risk for coronavirus and COVID-19 patients.

Nearly 60% of respondents rated the local government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic as about right, while more than 30% thought government was doing too little. Only 11% thought it was doing too much.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Gov. Gavin Newsom, as well as the Los Angeles County Health Department, got high marks for their leadership, with 85% or more expressing confidence in each of them. The poll found confidence in President Trump at 38%.

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