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Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced Tuesday night that he was exempting a range of businesses from recently passed rules mandating more paid leave for workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Los Angeles City Council voted last month to bolster paid leave for workers at big companies — those with 500 or more employees nationwide — requiring them to provide an additional 80 hours of leave. The move was intended to stop people who are especially vulnerable or suffering symptoms from continuing to go to work during the coronavirus crisis.

Garcetti praised the council for moving swiftly to help Angelenos, but said that changes were needed to avoid putting some businesses at risk.

The L.A. rules were meant to plug a gap in a similar law passed on the federal level, which did not cover companies of that size. Garcetti said he was issuing an order that would instead impose the new requirements on businesses with 500 or more workers in Los Angeles alone — rather than across the whole country — or 2,000 or more employees nationwide.

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