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Seniors at Hamilton Home, an assisted living facility in Redlands, have been isolated from the outside world as novel coronavirus cases surge in senior centers around the nation.

The 16 residents have turned to phone calls, video chatting and waving out windows to family and friends standing outside.

“It’s been very isolating,” Kiersten Sprout, the facility’s administrator, said. “We’re used to all the families coming in and socializing with residents.”

To help seniors from feeling lonely, the staff is asking the community to send letters and drawings to their residents at 940 Stillman Ave, Redlands CA, 92374.

On Tuesday, Gov. Gavin Newsom launched a hotline aimed at keeping California seniors connected to loved ones. The phone number, 1-833-544-2374, will provide aid and critical services for older residents — that’s approximately 5.3 million residents in the state who are 65 years and older.

He said the state is working to “significantly increase our connectivity to our seniors, to check in — not just for wellness checks related to food and medicine — but the deep anxiety people are feeling being isolated at home, and the loneliness people are feeling at home.”