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A UCLA student has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, officials announced Tuesday.

The student, who lives in off-campus housing, is receiving care at a local hospital, UCLA Chancellor Gene Block said in a press release.

Anyone who is identified as having had close contact with the individual will be contacted and notified if they need to be isolated or tested, the chancellor said.

The announcement comes a day after a UCLA staff member tested positive for COVID-19 and was said to be self isolating.

Neither the student nor the staff member were identified.

“I know the entire UCLA community joins me in keeping our fellow Bruin in their thoughts and remaining committed to our shared well-being as we navigate this new reality together,” Block said.

The chancellor himself is self quarantining after finding out he recently came into contact with a person who tested positive for coronavirus.

Block urged students to contact the Ashe Center Infection Control Line and faculty and staff to call their health care providers, if they develop flu-like symptoms. The control line number is 310-206-6217.