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It is less than 48 hours to the Nevada caucus and a new statewide poll shows Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont with a strong double-digit lead.

According to an 8 News Now/Emerson College poll, Sanders received 30.4%, KTLA sister station KLAS in Las Vegas reported.

Following him is former Mayor Pete Buttigieg with 16.9%, former Vice President Joe Biden with 16.1%, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts with 12.1%, followed by Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota with 11%, Californian Tom Steyer with 9.8%, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard with 1.9%, and 1.8% of respondents said they would vote for someone else.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was not included in the poll because he is not listed as a candidate on the Nevada caucus form.

A graphic from Emerson Polling shows the results of a pre-caucus poll released Feb. 20, 2020.
A graphic from Emerson Polling shows the results of a pre-caucus poll released Feb. 20, 2020.

There were 425 people included in the survey, which was conducted on Feb. 19 and 20. The respondents were made up of 54.3% women and 45.7% men. The majority of those surveyed, 84.4%, identified as a Democrat.

The margin of error for the poll is plus or minus 4.7 percentage points.

Sanders has performed well in recent national polls while at the same time he has repeatedly beat back claims he is too progressive to win against President Donald Trump.

Nearly 75,000 Nevadans took part in early voting in the caucus, which will take place on Saturday.

It will be the candidates’ first test among a population that includes a large portion of voters of color, especially Latinos. The poll found that 20.3% of those surveyed identified as Hispanic or Latino.

Additional results from the poll will be released later Thursday and throughout Friday on newscasts on KLAS, and at