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It’s been a heady two days for striking Los Angeles teachers and their union leaders.

Rain failed to fizzle huge rallies. People brought free tacos and “Tofurky for Teachers” to the picket lines. And their strike became a cause celebre of liberal politicians such as Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

It was all that L.A. schools Supt. Austin Beutner could do to get in a cautionary word in about the harm he said the strike was doing to the nation’s second-largest school district and its students.

But as the strike enters its third day — and a likely fourth and fifth — there will be increasing pressure for the union to settle as teachers lose salary, L.A. Unified loses money and the thrill wears thinner for families worried about lost learning time and how to balance childcare with work, politics with pragmatism.

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