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Two attorneys who formerly represented Marion “Suge” Knight after he was charged with murder pleaded not guilty to witness tampering charges in a downtown Los Angeles courtroom Friday.

Attorney Matthew Fletcher, left, represented by Mark J. Geragos, center, and attorney Thaddeus Culpepper appear in court as they were indicted on charges of conspiring to bribe potential witnesses in the pending murder case of former rap mogul Marion "Suge" Knight. (Credit: Al Seib / Los Angeles Times)
Attorney Matthew Fletcher, left, represented by Mark J. Geragos, center, and attorney Thaddeus Culpepper appear in court as they were indicted on charges of conspiring to bribe potential witnesses in the pending murder case of former rap mogul Marion “Suge” Knight. (Credit: Al Seib / Los Angeles Times)

Thaddeus Culpepper and Matthew Fletcher were indicted earlier this year on charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, conspiracy to commit subornation of perjury, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice and serving as accessories after the fact to the 2015 murder Knight is accused of.

Culpepper was also indicted on two additional conspiracy counts, and Fletcher faces an additional charge of perjury.

Prosecutors accused both men of conspiring with Knight, his fiancee and others to pay witnesses to say they saw men with guns at Tam’s Burgers in 2015, a critical claim for Knight’s self-defense argument at his pending murder trial. Knight has been jailed for more than three years after he rammed his truck into two men in the parking lot of the eatery. Terry Carter, 55, was killed. Another man, Cle “Bone” Sloan, was seriously injured. Knight has pleaded not guilty.

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