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Reporter/Producer Gayle Anderson and Photographer/Editor Robert Keet traveled to Memphis, Tennessee, where for the past year, the city and its environs have been marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Anderson and Keet visited the National Civil Rights Museum and the Withers Collection to learn the details of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. King’s leadership as well as the involvement of thousands of “ordinary people who did extraordinary things.”

The National Civil Rights Museum asks “Where Do We Go From Here?”, taken from the title of Dr. King’s book WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE: CHAOS OR COMMUNITY. In 1967, Dr. King isolated himself from the demands of the civil rights movement to write this his final manuscript.

Anderson and Keet will have a series of reports on this topic now through April 4th, 2018.

To learn more about the National Civil Rights Museum and to plan a visit, please take a look at the website:

To learn more about the Withers Collection, Museum, and Gallery, check the website:

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