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Patagonia typically brings in millions of dollars in sales on Black Friday. But this year, the outdoor retailer is giving away everything it makes that day.

The Ventura-based company announced it will donate 100% of its Black Friday sales — estimated to be well over $2 million — to grassroots environmental groups. The organizations fight to protect vital natural resources like water, air and soil.

The donations will come from sales at both its 80 global stores and on Black Friday.

The move isn’t entirely out of character for the brand. Patagonia already donates 1% of its daily global sales to environmental organizations — which amounted to $7.1 million in its latest fiscal year.

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LoveOurPlanet. This year Patagonia will donate 100% of its global Black Friday sales to grassroots organizations working in local communities to protect our air, water and soil for future generations. These are small groups, often underfunded and under the radar, who work on the frontlines. The support we can provide is more important now than ever. For decades, Patagonia has demonstrated that caring for our planet is not in conflict with running a successful business.  We are always looking for ways to reduce our manufacturing footprint, including our company’s reliance on fossil fuels.  We also fund grassroots environmental organizations by giving away one percent of our sales. To date that amount is $74 million. But during a difficult and divisive time, we felt it was important to go further and connect more of our customers, who love wild places, with those fighting tirelessly to protect them. This we know: if we don’t act boldly, severe changes in climate, water and air pollution, extinction of species, and erosion of topsoil are certain outcomes. The threats facing our planet affect people of every political stripe, in every part of the country, of every demographic. We all stand to benefit from a healthy environment – and our children and grandchildren do, too. By getting active in communities, we can affect local change to protect the food we and our children eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the treasured places we love the most. And we can impact global priorities, too, by raising our voices to defend policies and regulations that will reduce carbon emissions, build a modern energy economy based on investment in renewables, and, most crucially, ensure the United States remains fully committed to the vital goals set forth in the Paris Climate Agreement. At Patagonia, we will grow and deepen our resolve to protect what we love. We will fight harder and smarter, and use every means at our disposal to prevail for the sake of the country, the planet and the wild places and creatures that need our voice. We are here and we’ll keep fighting.

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“This was a pledge the company made in 1985,” said Corley Kenna, director of global communications with Patagonia.

But the latest commitment tied to Black Friday was inspired by current events.

“We definitely came up with the idea after the election,” said Lisa Pike Sheehy, vice president of environmental activism at Patagonia. “This is a difficult and divisive time for our country. I believe the environment is something we can all come together on. … Environmental values are something we all embrace.”

Kenna said the donation would go to a large network of nearly 800 organizations in the U.S. and around the world.

“The threats facing our planet affect people of every political stripe, of every demographic, in every part of the country,” Patagonia CEO Rose Marcario, wrote in a company blogpost detailing the Black Friday effort. “We all stand to benefit from a healthy environment.”