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Thousands of people across the United State marched down streets and interstates Friday to vent their anger about the election of Donald Trump.

A demonstrator holds up a sign during a "Love Rally" march in New York on Nov. 11, 2016, to protest the election of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.     (Credit: Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images)
A demonstrator holds up a sign during a “Love Rally” march in New York on Nov. 11, 2016, to protest the election of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump. (Credit: Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images)

One of the focal points for protest was Trump Tower in New York City, where Shoshi “Rabin” Rabinowitz explained her motivation: “Words can’t describe how disgusted I am that he was elected over Hillary (Clinton).”

There have been nightly protests since Trump’s election and more demonstrations are expected through the weekend.

Interstates blocked

In Miami, hundreds of people walked down Biscayne Boulevard chanting “Love Trumps Hate” and carrying signs with messages such as “How many judges will it take to ruin America?” video from CNN affiliate WSVN showed.

Some protesters walked onto Interstate 95 and surrounded cars, forcing four lanes of traffic came to a standstill, WSVN video showed.

Interstate 80 in Iowa City, Iowa, was shut down briefly by about 75 protesters, Sgt. Chris Akers with the Iowa City Police Department said. Nobody was arrested, he said. Nobody was reported arrested in either city.

In Dallas, protesters dragged and kicked a Trump piñata through the streets. A store window was reportedly smashed.

American flag burned

In Atlanta, about 500 people marched downtown, said Atlanta Police spokesman Lukasz Sajdak. They tried to walk onto a highway but were turned back by law enforcement officers who blocked their way. No arrests were made.

An American flag was burned near the Georgia State Capitol building, something that didn’t please protesters Sanjay Mendonca and Akshita Mendonca. Aged 40 and 39, respectively, they voted for Hillary Clinton.

Americans gathered in downtown Miami on Nov. 11, 2016 to protest against Donald Trump as president-elect.
Americans gathered in downtown Miami on Nov. 11, 2016 to protest against Donald Trump as president-elect.

“The current situation is not good for us and our children,” Sanjay said. “I’m here for my kids because I don’t want them to think we didn’t do something. … A lot of people feel hopeless right now.”

When asked why he was protesting, 20-year-old Alex Hariri said, “Trump does not support anyone in the community I know. I’m a gay Middle Eastern man. He’s against everything I am.”


Scene at Trump Tower

Angry crowds gathered once again outside the 58-story Trump Tower, the President-elect’s home in New York.

“I think he needs to really address all the divisive, hateful things he’s said in the past and recant them, denounce them,” Nick Truesdale said in New York.

Trump tweeted twice about the protests. On Thursday night he said, “Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!”

He was more conciliatory Friday morning, saying: “Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!”

Anti-Trump sentiments

Cell phone video captured a man involved in a traffic accident on Chicago’s West Side being attacked by people yelling that he voted for Trump. “You voted Trump!,” one attacker yells at the 49-year-old driver, David Wilcox. Wilcox said a car scraped the side of his vehicle as he was about to make a left turn at a bus intersection on Wednesday.

“I heard a lady yell something about ‘that guy is one of those Trump supporters’,” Wilcox told CNN affiliate WGN. “I turned and said to her that has nothing to do with this.”

The situation escalated from there as bystanders yelled anti-Trump taunts at Wilcox — who told WGN that there is no way the crowd could have known who he voted for.

In the video, Wilcox is seen being knocked to the pavement, repeatedly punched and kicked as a handful of people gather around him. A police investigation is ongoing.

Protests across U.S.

Protests occurred in many other cities, including in New Haven, Connecticut; Orlando, Florida; Chicago; Boston; Asheville, North Carolina; Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee; Ohio State University in Columbus; and high schools in Denver and Omaha.

The groups are angry about policies Trump has promised to enforce concerning immigration, the environment, LGBT rights and other issued.

Hundreds of anti-Donald Trump protesters hold a demonstration in Washington Square Park as New Yorkers react to the election of Donald Trump as president on Nov. 11, 2016. (Credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Hundreds of anti-Donald Trump protesters hold a demonstration in Washington Square Park as New Yorkers react to the election of Donald Trump as president on Nov. 11, 2016. (Credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

The Facebook page for a protest planned in Burlington, Vermont, said: “Come protest the xenophobia, racism, homophobia, misogyny,and climate science denial of the Trump/Pence regime!! Come show your support for our Muslim, queer, immigrant, and female family!!”

In Portland, Oregon, protesters blocked the street outside City Hall on Friday.

As the sun set on the crowd, police tried to disperse the protestors but tensions remained high.

“Burning projectiles being thrown at officers,” according to a tweet on the police department’s Twitter page Friday evening.

Earlier in the day, city officials appealed for calm after a Thursday night protest by about 4,000 people turned violent. Windows on businesses were broken and a car dealership was vandalized. Twenty-six people were arrested.

“We had some anarchists who hijacked that event and did terrible damage to our neighbors and friends,” Mayor Charlie Hales said at a news conference. “They spread violence and fear and detracted from the legitimate exercise of those First Amendment rights.”

In Boston, hundreds of people gathered in Boston Common for a “Love Rally in the Common.” Organizers said on Facebook: “Let’s unite together to peacefully show all of those whom Donald Trump or his supporters have put down that we still care about them, and to give them an opportunity to have their voices be heard.”

A similar rally was held in Washington Square in New York, the Facebook page said. “Spread love and peace through the country, and help start the movement #LoveStillTrumpsHate.”