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The federal government is suing to stop the family of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook from collecting more than $250,000 in life insurance payments from his death.

In a complaint seeking the seizure of the money Tuesday, the government alleges the proceeds from Farook’s two policies are derived from a terrorist act.

“Terrorists must not be permitted to provide for their designated beneficiaries through their crimes,” said U.S. Atty. Eileen  Decker in a statement. “My office intends to explore every legal option available to us to ensure these funds are made available to the victims of this horrific crime. We will continue to use every tool available to seek justice on behalf of the victims of the San Bernardino terrorist attacks.”

Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, opened fire on San Bernardino County workers at a holiday party Dec. 2, killing 14 and injuring 22 others.

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