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Days after Prince’s death, tens of thousands of people have signed a petition calling for the music legend to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

“Prince does not have a star of the Hollywood Walk of Fame but Donald Trump does. His lack of recognition in one of the most well known tributes in the world is a travesty of the highest caliber,” the petition states.

Petitioners are asking for the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to posthumously honor the singer “so the world can honor him in the company of legends the way he deserves.”

As of Monday morning, the petition was just hundreds of signatures shy of its stated goal of 25,000.

During his lifetime, Prince was approached twice about being nominated for a star. He declined it both times, according to a Facebook post on the Hollywood Walk of Fame’s page Friday, the day after the musician died.

“He stated that the timing was not right,” the post read. “We would have loved to honor this very deserving talent. It is unfortunate that it did not work out.”

The committee that selects who gets a star also never received an application for him to be considered, according to Ana Martinez of the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

A person can receive a star posthumously five years after they die, according to the Walk of Fame’s website. The ceremony costs $30,000.

Anyone – fans included – can nominate a celebrity to receive a star, provided the celebrity or that person’s management agrees with the nomination, according to the website.

However, the committee does not accept signatures or online petitions; it only considers applications, the website stated.

A number of tributes to Prince have been placed recently on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, with some even creating makeshift stars to honor the music icon.