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A bear was seen on video wandering a Sierra Madre neighborhood Thursday morning.

The bear was sighted in the Adams Street and Laurel Avenue around 7:45 a.m., according to the Sierra Madre Police Department.

The bear eventually moved on to the northern area of the city, police said, but not before police recorded it walking on a lawn and going over a retaining wall.

At one point it was up a tree before climbing down and going into a backyard and leaving the area.

A bear was caught on video roaming a Sierra Madre neighborhood on July 13, 2023.
A bear was caught on video roaming a Sierra Madre neighborhood on July 13, 2023.

Homeowner Dan Rose said it was just another morning in the neighborhood. He didn’t even realize what was going on until he saw police showing up at his home, yelling out his address over an intercom and advising him to stay inside.

“It’s been probably the last few years, a little bit more common to see them, but it’s not out of the ordinary to even have them in the yard,” Rose said. “It’s the police with their guns out in the front yard that scare me more than the bear.”

Police said there has been an increase in bear sightings because of the heat. Just within the last two weeks, officers have received about five calls a day reporting a bear sighting, police said.

They’re mostly just roaming around looking for food, and fortunately none of the recent bears sighted in the area have been aggressive.

“With any wildlife, be vigilant and just stay indoors,” Sgt. Charles Kamchamnan told KTLA, adding that it’s a mistake to pet bears or think they’re “cuddly.”