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Officials were investigating a series of fires that broke out early Monday morning at the Ramona Gardens apartments in Boyle Heights.

Fire officials and police were investigating series of fires at the Ramona Garden Apartments on Monday, May 12, 2014. (Credit: KTLA)

Fire crews responding to several 911 calls from 1347 N. Vanegas Ln. (map) around 12:30 a.m. found multiple small fires burning in two separate buildings, according to a news release from the Los Angeles Fire Department.

The fires were quickly extinguished and there were no injuries reported, the release stated.

Fire investigators said the fires were started by Molotov cocktails thrown into several units.

“We had witnesses state that they saw a group of people involved in throwing the Molotov,” said Capt. Rick Godinez of the LAFD.

The department’s arson-counter-terrorism unit was investigating the fires.

Anyone with information was asked to call 213-893-9850.